Saturday, 27 November 2010

Design bloopers - 2 books for websites & GUIs

I've just come across two books by Jeff Johnson: Web Bloopers and GUI Bloopers. They come with some prestigious recommendations and the majority is free to read via Google Books.

I'm actually quite puzzled how I've not discovered these already. The user interface book's website opens with glowing endorsements by 3 usability heavyweights: Nielsen, Krug and Spool.

Definitely going to be investigating these further...

GUI Bloopers 2.0: Common user interface design do's and don'ts - website promoting Jeff Johnson's book

Web Bloopers: 60 common website design mistakes and how to avoid them - website promoting Jeff Johnson's book

Read both at Google Books

There are some pages missing, but the majority is available. Definitely enough to warrant a look.

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