Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Confab Content Strategy Conference write up

Gutted that I couldn't go to the London content strategy conference, Confab 2013 as it has a number of sessions with authors, thinkers and speakers I admire. Thankfully, Martin Belam has written blog posts to summarise each session.

With people like Karen McGrane, Erin Kissane and Kristina Halvorson speaking it's an event I really would have liked to have been to.

Martin's done a great job, covering the key points of each session and infusing his own opinions along the way. Well written, and nicely bundled into a single download should you want it that way.

Martin Belam's Confab 2013 conference blog posts

I'm keeping an eye out for slide decks and further write ups which I'll add as and when I find interesting stuff.

Confab 2013 London organisers' blog

One more write up. Colin Meney blogs on Content Strategy Scotland and has included links to related videos, podcasts, slides etc on each of the presenters he saw.

Colin Meney's Confab 2013 write up

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