Saturday, 5 December 2009

Steve Krug & Lou Rosenfeld in the UK

Steve Krug and Lou Rosenfeld run two day workshops togther, and are coming to London early next year. Together they cover low cost usability testing and information architecture.

Steve Krug wrote the excellent book, Don't Make Me Think. If you only ever read one book on usability...

Lou Rosenfeld wrote the definitive book on information architecture, Information Architecture for the World Wide Web (aka the Polar Bear Book). I've had a copy of this book on my shelf for 7 years now and still come back to it time and again. If you build websites, you probably should own a copy.

They're running their sessions through Etre, a usability company.

Etre Get Together - with Steve Krug and Lou Rosenfeld - March 2010

Steve Krug's Don't Make Me Think
Lou Rosenfeld's Polar Bear Book

Etre usability email newsletter - personally I find them waffly, self indulgent and over familiar. But hey, that's just me. And I suppose if I hadn't subscribed I might not have found out about this...

Steve Krug presentation online

I blogged this free online presentation months ago. Worth highlighting again if you missed it...

Steve Krug on the least you can do about usability

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