Thursday, 26 July 2012

Advertising & user experience

A couple of articles in which the authors discuss the relationship between and distinctions between user experience management and advertising.

These are pretty long blog posts but some interesting opinions and points come out. They're very much responses of UX professionals to previous opinion pieces (and general everyday misconceptions) from people in the more traditional, established fields of marketing and advertising.

One quote I loved from Whitney Hess:
Advertising is about getting the customer to love the company. UX is about getting the company to love the customer.

Why interaction is brand - article by James Kelway

Don Draper is the Antithesis of User Experience - blog post by Whitney Hess

The web is a customer service medium - blog post by Paul Ford


  1. Thanks so much for including my blog post here, Neil! Glad you got something useful out of it.

  2. No problem Whitney :)

    It's a great piece and a fantastic line I have been unashamedly re-using in presentations!
