Sunday, 4 July 2010

Remote usability testing tips

Advice from a range of usability professionals on remote usability testing - how they set things up and the technologies they use.

First of all, an excellent piece generated with input from a range of usability experts. I particularly like this article because it gives lots of advice on setting the focus for the test before getting into the mechanics of setting a remote test up.

Usability Testing with Time Constraints - article from

And a couple of articles by usability professionals who have tried out a specific remote communications tools - Go to my PC and WebEx. These contain useful tips if you're specifically considering these methods.

Remote Online Usability Testing: Why, How, and When to Use It (WebEx) - article by Dabney Gough and Holly Phillips for Boxes and Arrows

Low-Rent Usability Tech Tip: Remote Usability Testing With Observers Watching (Go to my PC) - blog entry by Paul Sherman

Gerry McGovern is also a fan of remote testing using Go to Meeting.

Web testing is the new PR - article by Gerry McGovern

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