Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Prototyping session - Edinbugh 22 June

This month's session at the Scottish Usability Professionals Association is "An introduction to prototyping" presented by... me!

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Checklist for content management work

An excerpt from a new book - The Elements of Content Strategy by Erin Kisane - which is very readable and while based in theory, provides some very good tips for those of us writing, editing and commissioning web content.

A psychologist's guide to usability

Fascinating list from psychologist Susan Weinschenk, who also authored Neuro Web Design: What makes them click? (currently on my reading list). Even if you don't delve into the articles, you'll learn something from the titles alone.

100 Things You Should Know About People - articles by Susan Weinschenk

10 reasons to test

A nice piece by Jacob Creech. Nothing particularly new here, but worth a quick read, if only to get you back in the right frame of mind next time you think you don't have time for any testing.

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Technology doesn't change org culture

An interesting piece about the introduction of social media to organisations and their impact. For all this is about internal comms, I think there's a lot to reflect on here for external communications and marketing too. Right now there's a real drive to be liked on Facebook, to be followed on Twitter etc etc. But what does it really mean and why are we doing it?

Usability is your online brand - McGovern

I love this article. Gerry McGovern is direct and makes a lot of sense almost all the time. Then once in a while, he hits the nail right on the head for me. A must-read for every manager.

Saturday, 21 May 2011

10 paper prototyping videos

Some really inspiring clips of what paper prototyping can achieve. If you're doing this kind of thing right now, take a look for some great ideas and inspiration.

Persona development & usage tips

A nice little article from persona expert Kim Goodwin. If you're relatively new to the persona creation process and how to get the best out of their use, you'll pick up a few useful tips.

Increase user focus for design teams

A couple of interesting articles by Jared Spool in which he shares his observations of effective and not-so-effective design and development teams as they strive for user-focused developments.

Friday, 13 May 2011

Website development do's & don'ts

A nice article of 10 top tips from Fat DUX, written with the senior manager in mind. Worth a quick skim and a share with those we answer to who perhaps don't understand website development processes as much as we'd like.

Developing a vision for user experience

I'm currently reading up on ways to develop, communicate and validate a vision for the user experience of a website, application or product. A couple of these articles I've blogged before, but there are a number of great resources (new to me at least) out there.