Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Prototyping session - Edinbugh 22 June

This month's session at the Scottish Usability Professionals Association is "An introduction to prototyping" presented by... me!

I've been giving short presentations on the benefits of prototyping and sharing case studies around the University for the past couple of years or so. More recently I piloted a new half day prototyping training session with a colleague which included the latest version of these slides.

So the session will be an amalgamation of the various presentations I've given in the past. They seem to have gone down pretty well. I'll be covering:
  • The basics - what prototyping is and what it isn't
  • The benefits of doing something that can at first seem like an unnecessary extra step
  • Some tools you might want to consider using to prototype with
  • Some basic dos and don'ts when it comes to using your prototypes
  • Some examples of what I've done in the past and how projects at the University have benefitted.
I'm hoping that my stories will prompt other folk to share their experiences, frustrations and top tips.

So, something for the beginner, and something for the more experienced prototyper I hope!

The session is on Wednesday 22 June at 6.30 in central Edinburgh - just off the Royal Mile. It's free for UPA members, £10 for non-members and £5 for students.

Introduction to Prototyping session details and booking form - Scottish Usability Professionals Association

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