Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Content strategist talks responsive design in higher ed

Sara Wachter-Boettcher in conversation on the College Web Editor website, talking about topics her forthcoming book Content Everywhere, and the challenges facing the HE community.

Sara talks about the trend towards websites designed for multiple platforms and the 'mobile-first' movement which, while currently driven by technologists and designers, is ultimately a content issue.

Specifically addressing the university sector she says:

Higher ed has always produced a lot of content, typically by many different people—and, in many institutions, those people’s skill sets often vary widely, from expert web writers in a communications department to admin staff with little understanding of the web or of the CMS. 
This has always caused some challenges, but I think the advent of responsive design in higher ed is going to make those challenges more apparent, because when content doesn’t work well on responsive sites, it’s glaringly obvious. 
I think what will come out of this, though, is that institutions are really going to start seeing the need for governance, and take that on with more gusto than before. And that’s actually a great thing...

Why do higher ed responsive websites need more "responsible" content? - Sara Wachter-Boettcher interviewed by Karine Joly for collegewebeditor.com

Content everywhere - the blog of the forthcoming book

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